Differences between writing for Broadcast over print

Hunter Richards
1 min readApr 13, 2021

When transitioning to writing for broadcast media over writing for print, it’s important to remember that there are a few key differences.in most instances, writing for broadcast media makes each story far shorter in form, forcing the writer to leave out explanations of less important details, and instead focus on translating the main point to the viewer. Secondly, it seems apparent that the focus of a broadcast news story is normally more focused on quotes and testimonial, while a print news story is normally more focused on the facts and details of the story. these two differences in concert seem to paint broadcast media as a sort of advertisement for written media, where the deeper details of the story reside. Both of these differences were notable in the news story about the young girl who committed suicide. Very little lead in to the story was given, instead opening almost right to the facts of the story. subsequently, the focus of the story switched quickly to the testimonial given by the mother of the girl, allowing the emotional aspect of the story to connect with the viewer. This, to me, is the chief benefit of the video medium for newscasting.

